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Hewers of Coal (1957)

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clip The early days of coal mining

This clip chosen to be PG

Clip description

This clip re-creates the early days of mining in Australia, when contract workers laboured for long hours underground in dangerous conditions. In sunny scenes above ground filmed in colour, a group of contractors walk to the mine with their equipment. The pits below ground are filmed in black-and-white. As if to illustrate the safety hazards, fire breaks out and the roof caves in. Two workers haul an injured miner up to the surface.

Curator’s notes

The filmmakers vividly capture in monochrome the claustrophobia of the confined spaces down the coal pits. The pit horse represents older mining methods, but also has a dramatic purpose. Its distressed whinnying on the soundtrack and the close-up of it charging through the tunnels emphasises the dangerous conditions below ground.

The narration, read commandingly by Leonard Teale, is initially from the point-of-view of a miner, with the use of 'our’ and 'we’ helping to draw in the viewer. Later, it shifts to the impersonal documentary voice-over that was more common at the time. The phrases 'branch off to the left, branch off to the right’ and 'take it out fast and cheap’ are repeated like a poetic refrain and reprised in clip two.

Thanks to the generosity of the rights holders, we are able to offer The early days of coal mining from the sponsored film Hewers of Coal as a high quality video download.

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hewersco1_pr.mp4 Large: 19.3MB High Optimised for full-screen display on a fast computer.
hewersco1_bb.mp4 Medium: 9.1MB Medium Can be displayed full screen. Also suitable for video iPods.

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