They’re a Weird Mob (1966)
I had forgotten what a great movie this was, it's been so long. I think when I first saw it in the 60's, I was prejudiced because I had just finished reading the book not long before. Movies rarely come out as good as the book, the mind produces better movies than producers. Chips Rafferty was close to his best in this film, probably partly because of Walter Chiari, a very accomplished actor. This is one movie I would really like to see again. I think it is a real gem. Ken Lyneham
#1 from kanakaken – 15 years ago.
Really aged badly. Not well made, melodramatic and should be redone minus the racist comments throughout.
I'm glad Chips Rafferty did Wake in Fright otherwise he might only be remembered for this poor film.
Embarrassing, the director didn't understand the country
#2 from Paubai – 10 years ago.
THE best film I have ever seen. I have worn out two tapes and two D.V.D.s of the film. I read the book about once every couple of years and I have seen this film at least 50 times. I never get tired of hearing Strine and the characters using the vernacular. This is the way we used to speak before Yank-Speak and that ridiculous 'politically correct' rubbish came on the scene.Anyone who doesn't like this film has NO sense of humour...and was probably born in some other country!
#3 from john16 – 7 years, 4 months ago.
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