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Footy Chicks (2006)

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clip 'The societal moral norm'

Original classification rating: M. This clip chosen to be M

Clip description

Karen Willis from the NSW Rape Crisis Centre reflects on what she sees as the double standards between acceptable male and female sexual behaviour. AFL fan Christie talks to camera about the culture surrounding footballers and fans off the field. Over stylised footage of a nightclub, the voice of a professional footballer comments negatively on a woman who had numerous sexual partners from various football teams.

Dr Clifton Evers, Gender Studies lecturer at Sydney University, talks to camera about what he calls the 'societal moral norm’ where society criticises women for displaying sexually aggressive behaviour. Professor Catharine Lumby says that this attitude can lead to men abusing or mistreating women. The clip ends at a house party with the voice of a junior football player commenting that these women are hard to trust.

Curator’s notes

In clip one, cheerleader Hayley reveals her thoughts about footballers and their infidelity. At the end of this clip we get the complementary view – a footballer who finds sexually aggressive female fans hard to trust. Christie is one of the most interesting characters in the film. In her observations about the culture, she expresses her scepticism but at the same time acknowledges her own role in perpetuating the behaviour.

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