Full list of producers
This is a complete list of all people with producers credits listed on australianscreen. Click on any name for a list of titles in which they appear. Please note, this is not a definitive list of all programs with which they have been associated during their career.
prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 next- Rob Carlton
- Terry Carlyon
- Jamie Carmichael
- Jane Carnegie
- Julio Caro
- Gillian Carr
- EJ Carroll
- Linda Carroll
- Matt Carroll
- Michael Carson
- Alan Carter
- Matt Carter
- Anna Cater
- Michael Caulfield
- Alessandro Cavadini
- Fabio Cavadini
- Graham Cavanagh
- Tony Cavanaugh
- Brent Chambers
- Cliff Chambers
- Jackie Chan
- Annmarie Chandler
- Jan Chapman
- Mark Chapman
- Mark D Chapman
- Penny Chapman
- Toufic Charabati
- Bruno Charlesworth
- Philippe Charluet
- Garry Charny
- Richard Chataway
- Charles Chauvel
- Elsa Chauvel
- Anne Chesher
- Jonathan Chester
- Sally Chester
- Ted Childs
- Raymond Chow
- Ralph Christians
- Gabrielle Christopher
- Leah Churchill-Brown
- Pauline Clague
- Eric Clapham
- Al Clark
- Colleen Clark
- Henrietta Clark
- Tim Clark
- Peter Clarke
- Harry Clein
- Rachel Clements
- Barbara Clifford
- Graeme Clifford
- Sue Clothier
- Tim Clucas
- Jennifer Cluff
- Lucinda Clutterbuck
- Greg Cobain
- Fiona Cochrane
- Leah Cocks
- David Coe
- Anthony Coffey
- Essie Coffey
- Arthur Cohn
- Ken Coldicutt
- Beck Cole
- Nicholas Cole
- Martha Coleman
- Wayne Coles-Janess
- Toni Collette
- Dahl Collings
- Geoffrey Collings
- Jennifer Collins
- John Collins
- Priscilla Collins
- Pru Colville
- Richard Colville
- Anne Connolly
- Bob Connolly
- Robert Connolly
- Sharon Connolly
- Joe Connor
- Ken Connor
- Nicholas Cook
- Rod Cook
- Melanie Coombs
- Greg Coote
- William Copland
- Michael Cordell
- Richard Corfield
- Juergen Corleis
- John Cornell
- Jeremy Cornford
- Norma Cornwell
- Peter Cornwell
- Mandy Corunna
- Stephen Corvini
- Paolo Corvino
- Paul Cowan
- Frank Cox
- Paul Cox