My Name’s McGooley, What’s Yours? – End of the Line (1967)
This title is about:
Working class life in the 1960,s
What I like most about this title:
Balmain setting. Superb cast. A true insight into how we were "then". Priceless.
What I like least is:
Have been trying to track this down for years. Any possibility of it being screened as a retrospective of Oz comedy/drama?
I saw this title:
only on this site
When this title was made I was:
9 years old.
The best place to watch this title would be:
ABC TV retrospective or " history of" special or as part of a travelling film festival with other greats.
This title would be a perfect double bill with:
It stands alone - just for the casting, writing, and social history. Suggestion "The picture show man"
Do you have the whole series?
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