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Matlock Police – Episode 1, Twenty-six Hours (1971)

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clip Hippie bikers in Matlock

This clip chosen to be PG

Clip description

Constable Gary Hogan (Paul Cronin) follows hippies Martin (Ken Shorter), Vin (Paul Weingott), Wayne (Tom Stankovich) and Cheryl (Diane Lewis) as they head towards Matlock on their motorcycles. Meanwhile, at her country property, Miss Falconer (Shiela Florance) gives some instructions to worker Les Baker (Danny Adcock) before driving into town to check on her supermarket. The manager, Mr King (Malcolm Phillips), and a salesgirl (Susan Heywood) prepare for her visit.

Curator’s notes

Matlock Police went to air two years after the release of US counter-culture hit Easy Rider (1969) and this sequence is a strong reminder of that film. Here, these counter-cultural characters are not the protagonists, but are seen as a potentially dangerous outside influence.

These scenes provide a fluid introduction to many of the story’s key elements. An open road, a road sign and motorcycle cop Gary first introduce us to the town of Matlock and its police force. We also get to know both the soon-to-be victim of crime, Miss Falconer, and a number of soon-to-be suspects.

The motorcycles passing on the road in the distance while Miss Falconer talks to Les provide a nice through line from the opening scene to the moment where the hippies and Miss Falconer clash. The dialogue provides multiple characters with motives for robbing Miss Falconer. The sequence also neatly introduces a number of conflicts to the episode: youth versus age, outsiders versus community, working class versus upper class, city versus country, new ideas versus conservatism.

Thanks to the generosity of the rights holders, we are able to offer Hippie bikers in Matlock from the television program Matlock Police – Episode 1, Twenty-six Hours as a high quality video download.

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