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Love My Way – What’s in a Name (2004)

clip The library

This clip chosen to be PG

Clip description

As Frankie (Claudia Karvan) shares a smoke with housemate Tom (Brendan Cowell), there is a knock on the door. Frankie remembers that she has arranged to go out for a drink with workmate George (Damon Herriman). Deciding that she is too 'out of it’, she asks Tom to give George an excuse. The next day at work, she endures some awkward moments in an elevator with workmates Felix (Damon Gameau), whom she had a brief romantic entanglement with, and Connie (Katrina Campbell) who he ditched her for. Then she has to face George.

Curator’s notes

These scenes are lovely for their gently humorous rendering of messiness and awkwardness. Karvan as Frankie provides a portrayal of a young mother that is non-traditional for commercial television. It’s a character defined not purely by motherhood but by contrasts. Frankie’s lot is to manage the divide between her custody and non-custody weeks with Lou; between her life as an artist and as a newspaper editor; and between time spent with family and pursuing romantic interests.

A tendency to favour medium and long shots that include some of the environment over perhaps more traditional close-ups is visible here. Frankie’s fictional work as a newspaper illustrator is filmed on location in the real offices of Sydney’s Sunday Telegraph.