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Go Back to Where You Came From – Series 1 (2011)

clip 'I am a bit racist'

Original classification rating: M. This clip chosen to be PG

Clip description

A segment from the final show in the series, The Response. Studio based, with a live audience including relatives and friends of the six participants, this clip focuses on Raquel’s journey and her responses to both the experience itself and the feedback she received from the public online. First we revisit some of the most controversial parts of her journey in a highlights package while at the same time seeing her response in studio to the footage.

Curator’s notes

Demonstrating reality TV’s obsession with ‘the journey’ and personal transformation through adversity, this segment focuses on Raquel, arguably the most controversial participant in the series, and the huge changes in her views. Raquel speaks about what she has learnt about refugees and herself.

This final program, played out in studio, gives the participants an opportunity to reflect on both the experience itself and also how they were portrayed (they did not preview the series before it went to air).