Titles tagged with ‘literature’
9 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Seven Little Australians television program – 1973
This is a delightful and faithful adaptation of Ethel Turner’s iconic Australian story, Seven Little Australians, into a charming television series.

I Can Jump Puddles television program – 1981
Based on the autobiographical novel of the same name by Alan Marshall, this story of struggle and courage has become a classic Australian tale.

Kylie Tennant documentary – 1986
Determined to experience at firsthand the lives of her characters, Tennant travelled alone in her buggy, camping with swagmen and destitute families.

Dreamtime, Machinetime documentary – 1987
There are strict rules about who can and can’t tell certain stories in indigenous culture, these distinguished artists reveal.

Blinky Bill’s Fire Brigade television program – 1992
Blinky Bill is an iconic Australian character much loved by generations of children, through the books and more recently through these television series.

One Way Street: Fragments for Walter Benjamin documentary – 1992
One Way Street is a timely exploration of a figure who was on the way to being recognised among the great 20th century philosophers.

Masterpiece Special – Salman Rushdie television program – 1996
Andrea Stretton interviews Salman Rushdie, whose latest book has been written under the threat of a death sentence.

Much Ado About Something documentary – 2001
Much Ado About Something is a poetic investigation into whether the literary works attributed to Shakespeare were really written by Christopher Marlowe.

Forbidden Lie$ documentary – 2007
Do you want the truth or what I said?’- a real-life thriller about author Norma Khouri’s defence against claims that Forbidden Love is a fraud.