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Titles tagged with ‘explorers’

28 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year


Across Bass Strait documentary – 1974

The action on board the boats dominates this record of the 1974 Bass Strait Yacht Race.

Antarctica 1948 documentary – 1949

A record of the operations of the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition, November 1947–April 1948.

Antarctic Vigil documentary – 1952

One of the first colour films about Australian bases in the sub-Antarctic islands.

Antarctic Voyage documentary – 1956

In 1955, the Danish ship Kista Dan takes a team of Australian scientists south for a year at Mawson, Australia’s new Antarctic research station.

Australia Today – Antarctic Pioneers documentary – 1963

Photographer Frank Hurley discusses his Antarctic exploits in his last appearance on film.


Blue Ice documentary – 1954

The story of the 1954 Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition to set up the first Australian base on the Antarctic continent.

Burke & Wills feature film – 1985

The epic and tragic story of the first expedition to cross Australia from south to north, in 1860–61.


Catalyst – The Antarctic Peninsula television program – 2006

ABC science reporter Dr Paul Willis tells a little-known scientific story about fossils found in Antarctica that prove it was once a huge forest and that Antarctica was once joined to Australia and South America.

Central Australia: The Eighth Wonder television program – 1989

Bushie explorer Ted Egan tours places of wonder in Central Australia.


Endurance documentary – 1933

After watching Home of the Blizzard Ernest Shackleton asked Frank Hurley to film his expedition across Antarctica with the aim of funding part of the expedition through film sales.

Expedition South documentary – 1961

A film record of a year at Mawson, Australia’s largest Antarctic station.


Frank Hurley: The Man Who Made History documentary – 2004

An excellent look at the man who produced some of Australia’s first documentaries, and some of our most iconic images.


Home of the Blizzard documentary – 1998

This documentary is an excellent portrayal of the adverse conditions of Antarctica.

Hula Girls, Imagining Paradise documentary – 2005

Western imagination has transformed the spiritual hula dance of traditional Polynesian society into a (male) fantasy presenting the Polynesian woman as beautiful and exotic.


The Ice Capped Jungle documentary – 1993

The five climbers of Puncak Jaya were led by author Lincoln Hall. Hall was left to die on Mt Everest in 2006 but was later found – hallucinating and frost-bitten, but alive.


The Land That Waited television program – 1963

This remarkable documentary tells the early history of colonial Australia through etchings, paintings and drawings produced by the first colonists.


Mawson: Life and Death in Antarctica documentary – 2007

Polar adventurer Tim Jarvis attempts to re-create Douglas Mawson’s epic and controversial trek to safety in Antarctica in 1913.

My South Polar Expedition spoken word – 1910

Sir Ernest Shackleton tells how the loss of a pony affected his attempt to reach the South Pole in 1908.

The Mysterious Geographic Explorations of Jasper Morello short film – 2005

The film evokes an aura of mystery from the outset and is a superb example of how animation at its best can create a magical imaginary, yet convincing, world.


National Treasures – Endeavour Journal documentary – 2004

A look at Lieutenant James Cook’s journal, written on board the Endeavour during his trip down under in 1770.


The Official Film of the Mawson Antarctic Expedition documentary – c1916

This film documents part of the treacherous 600-mile 1911–1914 expedition to the Magnetic South Pole led by Sir Douglas Mawson.


Peach’s Explorers – East to West television program – 1984

Bill Peach loves Australian history and tells us explorers’ stories by using their words, cleverly recreated from diaries and notebooks, and journeying through the same arid interior.

Peach’s Explorers – South to North television program – 1984

There’s a strong sense that each of these men is very much of his time, imbued with a duty to expand knowledge and a ruthless craving for fame and fortune.

Peach’s Explorers – The Prison Walls television program – 1984

The story is entertainingly told with a clever use of dramatic re-creations. The various techniques work to bring history alive.

Peach’s Explorers – The Secret of the Rivers: Captain Charles Sturt television program – 1984

This Bill Peach series uses recreations, diary entries and letters, among other devices, to tell the story of Australia’s colonial exploration in visually interesting ways.


Siege of the South documentary – 1931

Frank Hurley documents Australia’s rich history of scientific exploration of the Australian Antarctic Territory.


Voss music – 1987

Voss is an opera about the fateful outback expeditions of Ludwig Leichhardt, as recreated by Patrick White in his iconic novel.


Walk Into Paradise feature film – 1956

For the third time with director Lee Robinson, Chips Rafferty played his version of an Australian hero – rugged, self-reliant, resourceful, an unpolished rough diamond.