Titles tagged with ‘communities’
25 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Addison Road Drop-In documentary – 1977
The Sydney suburb of Marrickville has Australia’s ‘first, largest and longest-surviving community centre’; it is shown here in the 1970s.

The Back of Beyond documentary – 1954
Battling heat, dust and flood, Tom Kruse delivers mail, stores and supplies along the 517 kilometre Birdsville Track in central Australia.

Big Girls Don’t Cry documentary – 2002
This is about Indigenous women living with renal disease, and their strength pulls at the heart strings.

Bit of Black Business – Sharpeye short film – 2007
An 11-year-old boy’s sharp eyes help thwart an invasion exercise by elite Special Forces soldiers in the Torres Strait.

Blackrock feature film – 1996
Blackrock’s depiction of teenagers letting off steam with sex and drink and rock 'n’ roll is very dynamic because of the fluid camerawork, lively soundtrack and energetic choreography.

Collingwood Community School documentary – 1975
These students would probably no longer be at school if an alternative education environment like the one they’re in didn’t exist.

Delivery Day short film – 2000
A girl is caught between competing demands of family and school. Uncle Le needs help in his garment shop but it’s parent-teacher night.

Fig Street Fiasco documentary – 1974
Residents take on the bulldozers and the police in Tom Zubrycki’s look at urban redevelopment in Sydney in the 1970s.

Footy The La Perouse Way documentary – 2006
Sydney’s La Perouse had an all-black football team in the 1930s but all nationalities were being welcomed by the 1950s.

Going Tribal documentary – 1995
It takes sophistication to live simply. Going Tribal captures the joy of life and values of a group of ferals living in the Byron Bay area.

Green Bush short film – 2005
Warwick Thornton began his film career as a cinematographer and moved into directing and writing. In Green Bush, his visual aesthetic complements his storytelling strengths.

I Can Jump Puddles television program – 1981
Based on the autobiographical novel of the same name by Alan Marshall, this story of struggle and courage has become a classic Australian tale.

The Inner City Tape documentary – 1974
‘This is our story. The story of our city, our people, our communities.’ This is an example of the work of the community video movement of the 1970s.

Joe Leahy’s Neighbours documentary – 1988
This was an excellent opportunity to make a contemporary film about the Papua New Guinea highlands and explore the society forming in the wake of Western contact.

Last Mail from Birdsville: The Story of Tom Kruse documentary – 2000
As a result of the 1954 film Back of Beyond, Tom Kruse and the historic last mail run drew considerable media attention and inspired the making of this film.

Message Stick – Koori Court television program – 2005
The Koori Court in Victoria was set up to reduce high imprisonment rates by combining Aboriginal beliefs with the white legal system.

Message Stick – Wathaurong Glass television program – 2003
Wathaurong Glass is an initiative that not only creates a new way of expressing Aboriginal art, but also provides a service to the community from which it comes.

Our Park documentary – 1998
Gillian Leahy visits a micro-world – the park outside her house. Her films are both documentaries and works of fiction.

The Painters and Dockers Strike documentary – 1976
In the 1950s the Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia had its own film unit to counter government policies of the day.

Prahran 3181: Swimming in the Backyard documentary – 2001
Simple subject matter – life at a swimming pool – captures the social interaction of the regulars and the sense of community.

Raccolta D’Inverno, Winter’s Harvest documentary – 1979
The government has now outlawed this traditional Italian community event of slaughtering and butchering a pig and feasting on it.

Return Home feature film – 1990
Suburbs in Australian cinema are usually the place that characters flee from; this film suggests you can also go back.

Shifting Sands – Tears short film – 1997
Tears introduces the two main characters from Ivan Sen’s feature film Beneath Clouds, and also presents the elements that shape his later feature.

We Have To Live With It documentary – 1974
Tom Zubrycki’s first foray into filmmaking – a 1970s community video – reflects an interest in social issues that continues throughout his career.