Titles tagged with ‘bush’
24 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Sellex Crockery: Red Riding Hood advertisement – c1930
This appeals to the ‘pester power’ of children by using an animated cartoon to promote Sellex products.

The Felt Hat short film – 1951
Arguably the first real attempt at film drama made in South Australia, The Felt Hat draws on 1940s crime fiction and Hollywood film noir to good effect.

Smiley feature film – 1956
A mischievous boy in a small town tries to reform himself, in order to earn a bicycle.

Dancing Orpheus television program – 1962
This black-and-white nature program from the earliest years of ABC TV features the unique lyrebird. Narrated by John West, it won an AFI Gold Award in 1963.

Wandjina! – Episode 5 television program – 1966
Strange events occur when people search for two boys missing in the bush.

Skippy – Be Our Guest television program – 1968
Clancy wants to make a good impression on her visiting mother. Instead, she gets lost in the bush where she is rescued by a group of Aboriginal men (played by visiting members of the Aboriginal Theatre from Yirrkala, Arnhem Land).

In the Wild with Harry Butler – Scars on the Landscape television program – 1976
Harry Butler seems the archetypal bushie, with his khaki shorts and battered bushman’s hat. He doesn’t work to a script, but moves around the bush with a keen eye.

Dot and the Kangaroo feature film – 1977
A generation of Australian school children grew up on Dot and the Kangaroo and the six other Dot films that followed it. Really.

A Big Country – City Girls television program – 1983
A group of students from an exclusive girls’ school and a group of unemployed girls hike through the bush.

Crocodile Dundee feature film – 1985
This is not just the most commercially successful Australian film ever made, but also one of the most successful non-Hollywood films.

Desert Walker: Gulf to Gulf documentary – 1985
The Flying Doctor base helped Denis Bartell when he became the first white man to walk across Australia from north to south.

A Fortunate Life television program – 1985
While most viewers will be aware of a strong note of irony underlying the story, there is no doubt that in the final analysis it is one of hope, endurance and faith in humanity.

Central Australia: The Eighth Wonder television program – 1989
Bushie explorer Ted Egan tours places of wonder in Central Australia.

Blinky Bill’s Fire Brigade television program – 1992
Blinky Bill is an iconic Australian character much loved by generations of children, through the books and more recently through these television series.

Australian Story – Since Adam Was a Boy television program – 1997
Adam Sutton, horse wrangler and rodeo rider, is a quintessential cowboy: fearless, fun-loving and gay. The biggest risk he ever took was revealing his sexuality.

The Barefoot Bushman: Dancing With Dingoes documentary – 1997
The film includes footage of Bruce Jacobs, who established a dingo sanctuary in Victoria and bred dingoes for domestic sale.

In the Winter Dark feature film – 1998
There have been genre films that explored this kind of rural paranoia, but not so many that take the loneliness of the bush seriously as a cause of real mental trauma.

The Tracker feature film – 2002
A series of paintings by South Australian artist Peter Coad are used throughout The Tracker in place of visual depictions of violence.

National Treasures – ‘Waltzing Matilda’ Song Sheet documentary – 2004
How did the music and lyrics come together to make our most iconic of national songs?

The Colony television program – 2005
In this 'living history’ series, participants chosen to match the social fabric of the time as convicts, free settlers and Indigenous Australians relive the birth of the Australian colony.

Crook Hat and Camphoo documentary – 2005
This is an episode of the important Nganampa Anwernekenhe TV series that aims to preserve indigenous language and culture.

Deadly Yarns 2 – Adrift short film – 2006
In this short film a boy responds to the healing power of the natural environment, Aboriginal cultural practices and family.

Double Trouble – Episode 7 television program – 2007
Double Trouble has entertaining and likeable characters and boasts an experienced cast. It also wonderfully captures an Indigenous sensibility and humour.