Clip description
The Murray 1 Project, in the Snowy Mountains Scheme, is officially opened by Prime Minister Harold Holt in July 1967.
Curator’s notes
Harold Holt was a great proponent of the Snowy Mountains Scheme. Earlier in its progress he’d been Minister for Immigration, overseeing the massive international recruitment program it necessitated. As he opens the Murray 1 Project in July 1967 in this clip, the modernist design of Murray 1 Power Station is manifest. An aesthetics committee for the scheme had been established in the 1950s, and power station interiors were a focus for its work. They were the places where dignitaries and other visitors were frequently taken, and thus ideal locations for the display of modernism and high technology with which the scheme wished to be associated. Guthega and Murray 1, in particular, featured the modernist trademarks of unadorned geometric forms, open interiors, and the use of glass, steel, and reinforced concrete.