Clip description
This clip shows the first testing of a scaled down version of the newly developed Ikara missile, conducted at Woomera and Port Wakefield from about February 1961.
Curator’s notes
Early testing of Ikara was carried out at Woomera and at the Proof and Experimental Establishment (P&EE) in Port Wakefield, South Australia. The P&EE range is used regularly to test Army and Navy munitions and equipment. The clip shows a range of flight trials and proving tests conducted on a 0.6 scale test missile. From a filmmaking perspective, the clip is a brilliant example of the basic three-track (narration, FX and music) sound mix approach employed by pre-digital budget-constrained documentaries. A production music cartridge ran on a loop continuously during the mix, and was faded up and down in gaps in the narration and sound FX. Some extraordinary music edits resulted.