Announcer Fifteenth round coming up and they’re into it now.
Commentator Harada’s supporters now as they come out for the last round. (Unclear) and Rose hits him with a right to the head. Left and right to the bloody mouth by Rose. Hard left to the head by Rose. A beautiful left to the head by Rose. Left and right to the body by Rose. A right to the head by Rose. And Harada comes back with left and right to the head. Left and right to the body by Harada. Left to the body by Rose. Jab by Harada and jab by Rose. (Distortion)
Left-hand jab to the face now by Rose. A series of jabs, beautiful punches. A left to the head now by Harada. Jab by Rose. Hard right by Harada. Beautiful punch. And Rose counters with a beautiful left hook. A good right to the head then by Rose. A right to the head now by Rose. Harada comes in with a hit. He’s bleeding from a nasty cut in the eye, bleeding from the nose. The champion is fighting hard to hold his title as he falls in on Rose, forces him back on the ropes. (Crowd noise)
As he chases Rose round the ring. A left to the body now, a terrific last round. And the crowd in terrific voice. A left and right to the head by Rose. Caught right to the body by Rose and Harada is definitely holding on. Rose scores a left jab to the face. Left jab to the face now by Harada. Left jab to the head now by Rose. Left-hand jab to the face. A left-hand jab to the face now. A left to the body by Harada. Jab by Rose. A left-hand jab by Rose once again. A left-hand lead by Rose. A jab by Harada. A jab by Rose once again.
In comes Harada once again. A left-hand jab to the face. Harada pouring it on Rose, putting him back now. It’s a left hand jab by Rose. Jab by Rose. Jab by Rose again. Here comes the referee, separating them once more. A left-hand lead by Harada. A left-hand jab by Rose. A left hook by Harada. Rose in centre ring. A left-hand lead now by Rose. In comes Harada. Left and right to the head by Harada. Left hook by Rose. Left jab by Rose. A right throw by Harada just misses.
Less than a minute of the championship of the world to go. Left jab to the face now by Rose. A right to the body by Harada and Rose is pushed back towards the ropes. Referee separates them once again. A jab to the head there. Left jab to the head by Harada. Jab by Harada again. Rose. A right to the head by Harada. Rose jabs with the left hand. Right to the body, Harada.
Thirty seconds to go. Left-hand jab by Rose. Jab by Rose. Lionel Rose, he looks tired in centre ring, hitting left and right to the head. Harada the champion fighting desperately now. Left and right by Harada. Right to the head. Left-hand jab by Rose. Lionel, you’ve only got seconds to go. Left and right to the body by Rose. Jab by Harada. Here is Harada again, and Rose getting … jab by Rose, jab by Rose again. A left to the body by Harada. A jab by Rose once more. (Bell sounds) And there is the end of the fight. And the champion and challenger embrace in centre ring.
We’ll have the referee’s decision in just a moment, but on my card it’s Lionel Rose. But we’ll stand by for the referee’s decision. Well, the referee and the judges. The referee and the judges. We’ll stand by for the referee and the judges’ decisions. Waiting for it. It’s — waiting now for the announcement to be made. The boys sitting back. (Crowd cheers)
And Rose is champion of the world. Lionel Rose is champion of the world in the bantamweight division. Jack Rennie’s embraced him in the corner. Lionel Rose is champion of the world. (Crowd noise) Wonderful. How do you feel? But there he is, he’s champion of the world. And here is Fighting Harada. It’s a bit of a crush up here in the blue corner. Fighting Harada is out in centre ring.