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Fanny Cochrane Smith’s Tasmanian Aboriginal Songs (1899)

  1. This is terribly moving!

  2. #1 from jack – 14 years, 3 months ago.
  3. I have been looking for this clip for ages. I new it existed as the story of this happening has been passed down though my family but we could never find it.

    It is amazing that I can listen to one of my ancestors speaking from over a century ago. Still have a lot of family in Cygnet.

  4. #2 from kidsby4 – 13 years, 11 months ago.
  5. You may be interested to know that there is now a Cochrane Smith Award see

  6. #3 from Maryanne – 13 years, 10 months ago.
  7. Bitter sweet

  8. #4 from tedperry – 8 years, 6 months ago.
  9. Fanny is my great grandmother. I've grown up knowing about her just like most other people knowing about their relatives, which ever nationality or country you are from. It does break my heart to hear this recording, as much as I'm grateful it exists. I've seen it many times before over the years, scratchy old recording in Hobart Museum. , School trips would make me proud to see, hear& listen. It's sad to listen as an adult when you realise the past history. My pop, Tom Smith (grandson) grew up and lived in the house at Nichols Rivulet & raised his family of 8 (Port Cygnet) that Fanny built & lived at until she died in 1905. My pop was born in 1900 & clearly remembered her & told us so much about aboriginal life. My best memories as a child was being there. Very very proud to be a Tasmanian aborigine πŸ˜€ Tan

  10. #5 from Tan – 8 years ago.
  11. My son is a relative (9th gen) of Fanny Cochrane Smith he is proud to be learning more about his ancestors and history

  12. #6 from jasmyncarberry – 3 years, 2 months ago.
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