
an NFSA website

Homes for Crippled Children (c.1940)

  1. Wow what a spin out!! My beautiful nan was keep in Collaroy for that first 8 years of her life for a bad back, which is a joke, longest girl in hospital and I feel it was for hospital to make money not my nan better, makes me sick to think what she missed out on!!! thanks so much for this footage it is a window in to our sad history and lack of human rights

  2. #1 from 1mbk – 13 years, 4 months ago.
  3. I was in Collaroy convalescent home for Children from the age of 4yo in 1956 to 1966 for most of the year and home for about 3 months a year. Contrary to the other comment on this site and being personally exposed to the treatment, operations etc. I do not believe the treatments received were inhumane nor was it a lack of human rights. I cannot believe any child would have been hospitalized for no reason, as can be seen the hospitals in all states were full. If I and a lot of the others in hospital with Polio had not received these treatment and operations we would have suffered more and possibly be more Disabled than we ended up.
    I was sent to the Far West Home at the age of ten and came down with the mumps and the food was porridge for 2 or 3 meals a day and the treatment was so bad I would never go back. I was locked in a room and fed through the door in case I infected the others there.I had a small window which I could see out to the sea from and spent lonely days sitting watching a fisherman in his boat who went out everyday. The bedpan, medicine, sponge-bath dish etc. was put under the door and it was not a nice place to be for a sick child aged 10 years old but even now I realize the Far West had limited funds relying on Donations and fund raisers in Western Australia..
    At Collaroy,Christmas time was great and we had the best fireworks night imaginable with the help of the Army and Navy who were continual visitors to the hospital.
    I have fond memories of my time at Collaroy even though I was in pain and had to learn to walk nearly every year after operations. The nurses were wonderful and always put extra hours in and genuinely cared. We were encouraged to help each other and others who needed things bought to them when the nurses were busy feeding babies etc I loved this verandah with the views and lovely sunshine and cool sea breeze. I have always loved the sound of waves at night even though I was born in the Central West NSW.

  4. #2 from Poppypat – 11 years ago.
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