
an NFSA website

Patineur Grotesque (1896)

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'Rollerskater in the park’

This clip chosen to be G

Clip description

A bearded man smoking a cigar rollerskates before a ring of onlookers in a park. While skating, he lifts his jacket to display to the crowd a white hand on the seat of his trousers.

Curator’s notes

This is a short extract from a longer piece of actuality footage. Later in the act the skater trips and falls, then drops his hat. While attempting to retrieve it, he continues to fall about. When finally the hat is restored to his head the act is completed and he skates off screen. The camera remains on the crowd for a few moments. The exact location of where this clip was shot is unknown.

If you believe you can identify the man please make a comment to share any information you may have. From comments already made, the NFSA has been able to confirm that the location is Prince Alfred Park in the South Sydney-Redfern area, rather than Melbourne as first thought.