Walk Into Paradise (1956)
In regards to the curators notes, there are no double standards in this film. In the first clip,the skipper is correct in saying that shorts and in particular, short shorts were not acceptable dress in PNG, he was correct. Even long shorts were not acceptable in fact no woman should allow the form of her crutch to be shown, so all women, local or imported were required to wear a dress & preferably full length from the shoulder, even a skirt was frowned upon in the early days. The native in the wheel house was correctly dressed, without a shirt for he was a labourer it was customary for 'boys' waiting on tables to wear a shirt with their laplap. So generally all was correct. I would like to buy this movie, is it available??
#1 from kanakaken – 14 years, 6 months ago.
After watching these three clips, many memories were brought back to me of my time in PNG. I worked & lived in Pt Moresby & Wewak in '68 & '69. While I was in Wewak in 1969, I think it was, I went to Mt Hagen to see the Hagen Show. Some of those faces looked familiar. I couldn't fault those 3 clips, everything looked authentic to me. What I would like is to see the whole movie to hear any pigin inglis that may have been used, 'till then I reserve any final comment. Ken Lyneham
#2 from kanakaken – 14 years, 6 months ago.
Vital assistance was provided by the proprietor of the Sepik River Post Office,Robbie ("Sepik") Robinson,not related to Lee Robinson.Robbie was trusted by the indigines along the Sepik,many of whom were still then only at "first contact" stage.New District Officers had to be taken up the river to be introduced by Robbie,or there was a strong risk of them not returning.Robbie's vouching for the film crew enabled them to achieve footage which would not otherwise have been possible.I should here note that Robbie was an uncle of mine.At the time of making the film,Lee Robinson was our neighbour,and we saw the footage before editing,projected onto a wall in the loungeroom.The two Robinsons became firm friends.I hope this is of interest.
#3 from aussieboomer – 13 years, 1 month ago.
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