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The Square (2008)

clip 'You’d have to burn the place down'

Original classification rating: MA. This clip chosen to be PG

Clip description

Carla (Claire van der Boom) shows Ray (David Roberts) a sample of the money she’s found and tries to persuade him to help her steal the rest of it. When he baulks at her suggestion, she questions whether he’s serious about their relationship and walks out, leaving Ray with something to think about.

Curator’s notes

Here’s the scene that sets the plot into motion. It shows Carla behaving as that classic film noir archetype, the femme fatale, using her sexuality in an attempt to persuade Ray to do something he would normally regard as unthinkable. Notice her body language – kissing and touching. It is a classic example of sexual manipulation that makes it clear who has the power in this relationship. Ray’s pensive look after the door has slammed indicates that her emotional blackmail is already having an effect.