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Ten Canoes (2006)

play May contain names, images or voices of deceased Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
clip Yeeralparil tries to be tricky education content clip 3

Original classification rating: M. This clip chosen to be PG

Clip description

We are now in the older story, right back with the first ancestors. Ridjimiraril (Crusoe Kurddal) has gone hunting because his three wives are acting up. Banalandju (Sonia Djarrabalminym) and Nowalingu (Francis Djulibing) fight with each other. When all the women go to dig for nuts in the swamp, Yeeralparil (Jamie Gulpilil) uses a bird call to signal to Munandjarra (Cassandra Malangarri Baker), the youngest wife of his brother. In the camp, fat old Birrinbirrin (Richard Birrinbirrin) gets stuck into some wild honey.

Curator’s notes

The first group of scenes in the film (the hunt) gives us a male perspective, but when we enter the older story (in colour) the viewpoint widens, and the film gives us much more of the lives of the women. Once again, there’s a strong sense of humour present, and a wry view of village politics.