
an NFSA website

Sleeping Beauty (2011)

clip Hello Birdmann

Original classification rating: MA. This clip chosen to be PG

Clip description

Lucy (Emily Browning) vists her friend, Birdmann (Ewen Leslie).

Curator’s notes

This clip introduces viewers to Lucy’s relationship with her friend Birdmann, the only normal human relationship she has in the film. Except that it’s really not that normal at all. Note the way they mock-formally inquire after each other and their families in a playful send-up of small talk. It’s as if Lucy is incapable of a conventional greeting.

Also note that Lucy pours liquor (either gin or vodka) onto Birdmann’s bowl of cereal before handing it to him and pouring a drink for herself. It’s a peculiar detail that doesn’t draw attention to itself, but is symptomatic of the subtly skewed sense of reality in the film. Naturalism this is not.