Clip description
Bill Heslop (Bill Hunter) entertains a Japanese resort developer (Ken Senga) and his interpreter (Kuni Hashimoto) at a Chinese restaurant. The meal is free, because Bill Heslop has done the owner (Jon-Claire Lee) a favour with the immigration authorities. Bill brings his whole family to the banquet, then abuses them, particularly Muriel (Toni Collette), for being useless. Bill invites local beautician Deirdre Chambers (Gennie Nevinson) to join the table. Mrs Heslop (Jeanie Drynan) does not realise that Deirdre is having an affair with her husband.
Curator’s notes
The scene establishes a real sense of the family’s poisoned dynamics, the patriarchal tyranny of the 'great man’, his corrupt private and public personas, and the contempt with which he treats his 'loved’ ones. The addition of other races at the table allows Hogan to show Bill’s cultural insensitivity, and the stupidity of Deirdre, the woman he is having an affair with. It’s an extremely jaundiced picture of a certain kind of Australian male, and the effect they have on their loved ones.