
an NFSA website

The Jammed (2007)

play Coarse language – low ; Violence – low
clip A door that opens

Original classification rating: MA. This clip chosen to be M

Clip description

Lai (Gareth Yuen) stops for takeaway as he drives the three women home. Ashley (Veronica Sywak) and her ex-boyfriend Tom (Todd McDonald) are following. Ashley pretends she’s being hassled by Tom to distract Lai. The three women see their chance to escape, but Lai grabs Vanya (Saskia Burmeister). Ashley and Tom take Crystal (Emma Lung) and Rubi (Sun Park) to a backpacker hotel, to hide them until Rubi’s mother Sunee arrives. Crystal checks whether they are locked in.

Curator’s notes

A large part of the film’s dramatic appeal is in the evolution of Ashley, from ordinary citizen to daring rescuer. Her action here is spontaneous and surprises her ex-boyfriend, as well as everyone else. Her anger builds after she has been physically threatened by Wade, Glassman’s henchman, but this scene is a surprise for the audience, as well. The scene is well-handled, to capture the chaos and fear of such an event. The aftermath, with Vanya left behind, becomes almost unbearable, and is beautifully played by Saskia Burmeister.