
an NFSA website

The Jammed (2007)

play Coarse language – low ; Sexual references
clip Melbourne nightlife

Original classification rating: MA. This clip chosen to be M

Clip description

After being driven to Melbourne by Dyce (Masa Yamaguchi), the man who raped Crystal, the three women begin work in the brothel run by Vic Glassman (Andrew S Gilbert). They are guarded by Wade, the bald heavy (Adriano Cortese) and driven home each night by Lai, the junior heavy (Gareth Yuen). Crystal’s voice-over is from her interview with the federal police. The three women share a small room. In the morning, the young Chinese woman Rubi (Sun Park) awakes from a drugged sleep. Later that night she asks a client (Martin Chellew) to mail a postcard home. It’s a picture of Vancouver, not Melbourne.

Curator’s notes

The film does not depict much of the horrors of working as a prostitute. It’s suggested more than shown, perhaps to keep the film as accessible as possible to a wide audience. The clip shows the mechanics of their slavery – the guards who watch them, the barred room where they are locked in to sleep. The look that all three women give the boss when he talks to them through the car window says a great deal, though.