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The Jammed (2007)

play Sexual references
clip 'Big sister make money for family'

Original classification rating: MA. This clip chosen to be M

Clip description

Crystal (Emma Lung) is interviewed after her rescue. Agent Mollica (Damien Richardson) tries to be sympathetic, but these federal policemen remind her of the men she has seen as a prostitute. Crystal tells them her real name and how she was recruited by a man named Phuc (Ho Thi Lu) to come to Australia as a table dancer. We see her with Phuc in a flashback to Shanghai airport. The action then shifts to Ashley’s office before the rescue. Sunee (Amanda Ma) arrives with a very rough homemade ‘Missing’ poster. Ashley (Veronica Sywak) has to decide whether she’s willing to help.

Curator’s notes

All three of these moments, taking place at different times, are about someone who’s ostensibly trying to help. The federal police officers don’t wish to hurt her or frighten her but they can’t help doing that with the manner of their interrogation, as if she is the criminal. The Vietnamese man exploits his good looks and her obvious vulnerability to recruit her into a job as a ‘table dancer’. He is offering to ‘help’ her make money for her family. Ashley tries to resist getting involved with Sunee, but can’t. She becomes the only one who actually does help these women, albeit reluctantly.