
an NFSA website

Dad Rudd, MP (1940)


Reviewed by:callaghan 13 years, 9 months ago.

This title is about:
Farmers versus Politicians

What I like most about this title:
the word 'aristocracy' gives the film a bit of umphf!

What I like least is:
The film is not long enough!

I saw this title:
only on this site

When this title was made I was:
...not yet born but dad was an "extra" in this film (ballroom dancing), never seen it until now.

The best place to watch this title would be:
With my five sisters and four brothers and in front of the Television or Theatre.

This title would be a perfect double bill with:
An australian film made in rural land.

More about Eunice Curran
Reviewed by:den2114 14 years, 1 month ago.

This title is about:
Its pure Australian

What I like most about this title:

What I like least is:
That these movies are not shown to-day

I saw this title:
on TV

When this title was made I was:
Not born, I was not born till 1953 and when i was growing up we used to watch these movies on the black & white TV every Sunday afternoon just after the ice-cream came around

The best place to watch this title would be:
At home with my grandchildren

This title would be a perfect double bill with:
any Dad and Dave Movie

More about Denise Ravizza

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