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Animal Kingdom (2010)


Reviewed by:Stephen 12 years, 5 months ago.  

This title is about:
A young man numb with grief and fear comes of age in a family of criminals.

What I like most about this title:
Terrific ensemble performances, atmosphere of dread, shift in J's character as he gradually wakes up and starts to take responsibility for himself.

What I like least is:
Scene where Guy Pearce's character spells out the film's theme and significance of the title.

I saw this title:
in the cinema

When this title was made I was:
Rooting for Jacki Weaver to receive a well-deserved Oscar nomination.

The best place to watch this title would be:
In the cinema, or late at night on DVD with no interruptions.

This title would be a perfect double bill with:
The Boys, another creepy, dysfunctional-family Aussie crime film.

More about Stephen Groenewegen

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