Clip description
Balmain resident of 48 years Mrs Moran addresses a local crowd gathered in the streets of Balmain about the dangers of shipping containers being trucked through the main streets of their suburb. As she is talking, the noise of the trucks can be heard and the camera shows them passing through the streets. As another resident speaks in voice-over, a still image fills the screen with the title card ‘We have to live with it’. Another freeze-frame captures a crash with the same title card. Another resident points out where a truck has run into the front of her house and crashed through her fence. A man on a loud speaker calls for a minute’s silence in the crowd for the girl who was recently killed by one of the trucks.
Curator’s notes
This clip is from the opening minutes of the video. While taking its cue from events as they unfold, it also uses sound and still images to quickly establish a situational context. The sequence of three title cards with accompanying stills re-enforces the impact of what the video is saying – that it is the residents who 'have to live with’ the consequences of increased heavy traffic through their suburbs and that some of those consequences have been dire.