
an NFSA website

Time Bomb (2003)

play May contain names, images or voices of deceased Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
clip 'Was a little one' education content clip 3

This clip chosen to be G

Clip description

Frank Djara introduces himself. Frank tells us diabetes is like a time bomb. Black-and-white photographs show Areyonga where Frank is from. We also see black-and-white photographs of Indigenous children. Frank introduces us to his childhood friend Jarla. The two men tell us about their experience of growing up in Areyonga and going to school and to church, which was also the hospital.

Curator’s notes

An easy introduction to Frank Djara who, with Jarla, gives us a personal account. Frank Djara’s story is told simply with photographs as a visual aid and, like many of the Nganampa Anwernhenkene series, the landscape itself contextualises the story we are viewing.