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Some of Many: Germans in Australia (1983)

  1. Your notes say: In 1851 Holtermann began recording photographic images of the Australian gold rushes, which spanned the period from the 1850s to the 1880s. The State Library of New South Wales holds the Holtermann collection of 35,000 wet-plate glass negatives.

    If this is for educational purposes then it might be better to get the facts right for the notes.
    Holtermann arrived in Australia in April 1858, in Melbourne and then travelled to Sydney. His interest in photography came in the early 1870s when he met up with photographer Beaufoy Merlin from the American & Australasian Photographic Company.
    The State Library hold about 3500 glass plate negatives, not 35,000 negatives.
    Reference: Gold & Silver by Keast Burke

  2. #1 from heatgg – 13 years, 6 months ago.
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