This clip starts approximately 12 minutes into the documentary.
Linda Phillips, a volunteer law student from Australia, is met by Hoi Trinh, an Australian-Vietnamese lawyer at Manila Airport. They walk out of the airport into the night outside the airport. They get out of the car and are on a busy street, they walk up a staircase and enter a small office where there is Quan Nguyen, a volunteer from the USA, and another man. They walk out of the office. There is happy holiday music playing throughout the clip.
Hoi Trinh Hey, hey! How are you?
Linda Phillips Hello. How you going?
Hoi Trinh Not bad. How are you?
Linda Phillips Good.
Hoi Trinh Good. Welcome to Manila.
Linda Phillips Thank you.
Hoi Trinh We got a car!
Linda Phillips Wow!
Hoi Trinh Yeah, yeah. We want to make it extra special.
Linda Phillips You know, I thought the Vietnamese boat people thing had finished and it was over and everyone was resettled and everyone was happy.
Hoi Trinh This is where we live, right in front of a garbage tip.
Linda Philips And the VD clinic.
Hoi Trinh Just please walk up.
Linda Phillips OK. I heard Hoi Trinh on the radio talking about the issue. I was surprised that there was still this group of people stuck.
Hoi Trinh That’s an Internet place. You can use the Internet.
Linda Phillips Uh-huh. Handy. And also because I had started doing a law degree. I wanted to know how you could make a law degree relevant.
Music stops.
Hoi Trinh Hello. This is Linda. This is Quan.
Quan Nguyen Hello.
Linda Phillips Nice meeting you.
Hoi Trinh Linda, this is the office.
Linda Phillips It’s beautiful.
Hoi Trinh Yeah. Isn’t it.
Linda Phillips It’s stunning.
Hoi Trinh Yeah. So Quan is the, um, gentleman I told you about, the volunteer from DC, and Kwan has been here for a year.
Linda Phillips Right, so you know everything.
Quan Nguyen Oh, yeah.
Linda Phillips Good. It’s hot!
Linda Phillips is interviewed.
Linda Phillips It seemed to be something worthwhile that, you know, there’s better things in life than – than just working for a corporation.
A daylight street scene of buildings in suburban Manila.