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National Treasures – HMAS Sydney’s Carley Float (2004)

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HMAS Sydney's Carley float education content clip 1

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Clip description

A tiny, war-ravaged liferaft from the HMAS Sydney is our only physical link to Australia’s worst-ever naval disaster.

Curator’s notes

On 19 November 1941 the Australian light cruiser HMAS Sydney was travelling in the Indian Ocean from Sumatra to Fremantle.

When it was west of Shark Bay, it saw and challenged a ship. The ship claimed it was a neutral merchant vessel, but was in fact a disguised German warship, Kormoran.

The Sydney came close to investigate, and was surprised when the Kormoran opened fire. Both ships were sunk, but while there were survivors from the Kormoran, all 645 crew members of the Sydney died – making it Australia’s worst ever naval disaster.

One body believed to be that of a crew member was washed up on Christmas Island (and knowledge of the location of his grave later lost). The only physical trace of the Sydney ever recovered was one of her Carley floats, a form of liferaft.

The government kept the disastrous incident quiet for as long as it could, but rumours soon spread, and it had to break the terrible news.

The rumours led to many wild stories at the time, and have been partly responsible for many conspiracy theories since — such as that a Japanese submarine had sunk the Sydney two months before Japan entered the war.

Several books have been written about the mystery, and a Commonwealth parliamentary inquiry reported on it in 1999.

The discovery of the Sydney wreck was announced on 17 March 2008 following the discovery of Kormoran’s wreckage one day earlier.

Teacher’s notes

developed for NFSA digital learning NFSA digital learning

Classroom Activities

  1. What was the HMAS Sydney and what happened to it?
  2. Why was that such a tragedy?
  3. Why might the Carley float have survived the engagement?
  4. Why might it have been the only relic from the ship ever found?
  5. The original rumours about the sinking of the Sydney developed because of strict censorship in wartime. Do you think such censorship is justified? Develop arguments for and against.
  6. The Sydney is Australia’s greatest ever loss of life in a sea action. Is it remembered today? Design and carry out a survey to see how much people know about it. Should they know more? Does knowledge depend on the age of the person being surveyed? Explain your views.
  7. There were many significant events, people and issues that affected civilians in Australia during the Second World War. Brainstorm as a class to list significant issues. This list may need to be supplemented by some basic research. Which issues do you think had most impact on people at the time? Survey people who were at least ten years old at the start of the war. Collate the class results, and compare the results to your hypotheses. Suggest reasons to explain the results.


  1. One common form of art is a memorial. In Australia, the most common form of memorial is the war memorial. What is the purpose of war memorials?
  2. What is the main message of this memorial?
  3. How can memorials use symbolism? Select a memorial to critically analyse, considering these symbolic elements:
    • location
    • architectural features
    • any statues of people or animals
    • any accompanying information or plaques.
  4. Do you think it is a good piece of art? Explain your reasons.

Thanks to the generosity of the rights holders, we are able to offer HMAS Sydney's Carley float from the documentary National Treasures – HMAS Sydney's Carley Float as a high quality video download.

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