
an NFSA website

Cheeky Dog (2006)

play May contain names, images or voices of deceased Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
clip Dog watching education content clip 3

This clip chosen to be G

Clip description

A car crawls along the street, and the boy in the front seat is looking intently at the dogs he sees on his journey. Dion Beasley is being driven around by his carer Joie Boulter so that Dion can indulge in his favourite pastime of dog watching. We also meet Anna Vost, Dion’s sign language interpreter during Dion’s exercises in the local swimming pool.

Curator’s notes

We are introduced to the world of Dion Beasley. Dion is profoundly deaf and has muscular dystrophy, but he also has one passion that comes through in this clip, and that is his love of dogs.