This clip starts approximately 6 minutes into the documentary.
We see a two storeys high figure of Abraham Lincoln with the sign ‘Support our freedom’ in the middle of a roadside waste dump. Dr Doug Rokke is in a military aircraft hanger fitting on his helmet in civilian clothing. There is footage and images of uranium effected war zones with men finding and testing weapons. Dr Rokke is interviewed firstly in an office and secondly outdoors in a park. He is progressively older in these shots.
Narrator After Vietnam, Rokke earned his PhD in physics, specialising in nuclear, biological and chemical warfare. The Pentagon chose him to lead a team of a hundred military to Iraq after the first Gulf War. Their mission: to confirm the destructive power of depleted uranium weaponry and collect contaminated tanks.
Dr Doug Rokke When the impact – when the rounds impact, obviously what they start to do is they start to burn – cut their way through the material. As it cuts through the uranium spalling, the oxide is formed. Inside the tank, you have a shower of burning uranium. Everything in its path will – if it can burn will burn, everything in there that can explode will explode, and everybody that’s in there will die.
Narrator Rokke concluded that there is no safe way to handle depleted uranium weapons. No safe way to handle the aftermath.
Rokke Basically the respiratory protection, the filters on the gas masks don’t filter out the particulate sizes involved in the detonation and use of uranium ammunitions, and there is no respiratory skin protection that will protect your body, and that’s why the thousands upon thousands in the US are now sick and being medically evacuated out, and so many are sick in Iraq. There’s no doubt at all that the leaders of the US military and individuals that sent us in to clean this mess up where I got the direct orders knew it was a toxic mess. I mean, here’s a direct briefing to the Pentagon, a formal briefing where they’re totally acknowledging it. Cell damage, cancer, lung cancer is well documented. So in contrast, what you’ll hear is, whether it’s in Australia, England or the United States, the official policy line is there is no documented adverse health effects. Well, they’re just simply lying.
Narrator And they lied to Rokke as well. He’s now dying, from depleted uranium poisoning.
Rokke The test results back in January ‘95 that I was extruding uranium at 5,000 times the permissible level, but they never told me for 2.5 years. So, I mean, everybody’s getting sick all over the place. We’re seeing, we’re recommended medical care. Nobody’s getting medical care. The medical records were destroyed for the people that we did provide medical care for. Our medical records disappeared. As of just a couple weeks ago, our medical records have never shown up again from the Gulf War time, and the medical records that did exist that went to the National Records Centre in St Louis, Missouri, for myself and many others, many parts of the records are just gone. They don’t exist. As we say, one day there was a fire.