Titles curated by Annemaree O'Brien
62 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year prev 1 2 next
Arthur and the Square Knights of the Round Table - Episode 35 television program – 1972
With an abundance of playful silliness, Arthur and the Square Knights of the Round Table is a delightful product of its era and remains very watchable today.
Bambaloo – Bird in a Boat television program – 2002
A mixed live-action, puppetry and animation show for preschoolers from Yoram Gross and the world renowned Jim Henson Company.
Bananas in Pyjamas – Banana Breakfast television program – 1999
The combination of visually appealing characters with the 'Bananas in Pyjamas’ song created a highly popular and commercially successful preschool series.
Black Beauty television program – 1978
Poignantly told from the horse’s point of view, this 1978 animated film from the classic novel tells of the heartbreaking consequences of unrestricted exploitation of animals.
Blinky Bill’s Fire Brigade television program – 1992
Blinky Bill is an iconic Australian character much loved by generations of children, through the books and more recently through these television series.
Blue Water High – Winners and Losers television program – 2005
Blue Water High successfully combines the dramatic school-based Heartbreak High with the beach setting of Home and Away.
Crash Zone – The Dream Team television program – 1998
While the technology now looks a bit dated, at the time this was an edgy, high-tech series about five kids with a dream job – testing video games after school.
Don’t Blame the Koalas - Episode 1, Fate Steps In television program – 2002
Gregory has placed magnets in his shoes and hat so that he won’t fall into outer space when he gets to Australia.
Eugénie Sandler PI – Episode Two television program – 2000
A teen spy thriller directed by Ana Kokkinos satirising detective, film noir, and spy film genres in the mysterious story of Private Investigator Eugénie Sandler.
Faireez – A Chilling Plot television program – 2005
Self-reliance and a strictly non-violent resolution feature in this story of Jumpalina, the big-footed baddy in her floating castle, up to her tricks again in Faireezia.
The Fairytale Police Department – Black Day for Snow White television program – 2002
Crimes committed in Fairytale land mean the world’s best-known fairy tales won’t end the way they should. Combines genres of fairytale and detective television.
Fergus McPhail – Double Trouble television program – 2004
The hapless Fergus, who is probably the biggest dag around, is trying to be cool as he attempts to settle into his new life. Of course all does not go to plan.
Flipper and Lopaka – The Secrets of Quetzo television program – 1999
Producer Yoram Gross used animation to free up Flipper: ‘In the old series, Flipper was like an extra … we gave him the chance to be the action hero.’
Foreign Exchange - Episode 2, Shark Attack television program – 2004
In the middle of the night, Hannah comes though a portal from Ireland and arrives in Brett’s bedroom in Perth at 7 am.
The Genie From Down Under – It’s my Opal … (and I’ll cry if I want to) television program – 1995
This episode shifts the action to Australia and introduces ‘the tour guide from hell’ and his sneaky nephew, both in pursuit of a magical opal.
Holly’s Heroes – Crunch Time television program – 2005
Focuses on the importance of attitudes and honour in sport, in the story of basketball-mad Holly who moves from New Zealand to Australia and starts her own team.
Horace and Tina – Settling In television program – 2000
This program is an unusual combination of live action and animatronic puppets with Jasmine Ellis, the actor playing Lauren, the animation model for Angela Anaconda.
I Can Jump Puddles television program – 1981
Based on the autobiographical novel of the same name by Alan Marshall, this story of struggle and courage has become a classic Australian tale.
Legacy of the Silver Shadow – The Feral Element television program – 2002
1950s superhero the Silver Shadow and his archenemy The Crab are revealed to four kids who carry on the struggle between good and evil.
Lift Off – A Load of Old Rubbish television program – 1992
EC has minimal facial features and doesn’t talk, communicating through gesture and movement. Children warm immediately to this doll and what it represents.
Lift Off – That’s Not Fair – Part A television program – 1992
Mixes live action, animation, puppetry and fantasy to challenge, intrigue and encourage children to think for themselves.
Lift Off – That’s Not Fair – Part B television program – 1992
Spruikers from the ‘Bonza’ cereal advertisement come out of the TV set to persuade Poss and Kim that buying Bonza will make all their dreams come true.
Li’l Elvis and the Truckstoppers – Caught in a Trap television program – 1997
Li’l Elvis wants to be a normal kid, not an Elivis impersonator, but his mother is aghast, 'What about your fans, what about the bank, what about the king!’
More Winners – Boy Soldiers television program – 1990
1910 legislation required boys between 14 and 17 to register for compulsory military training . Will Barnes, a brave 14-year-old conscientious objector, refused.
More Winners – His Master’s Ghost television program – 1990
The setting of Montsalvat – a gothic mansion and former artists’ colony– is perfect for this mystery-comedy about a group of kids on a music camp in a spooky old mansion.
More Winners – Mr Edmund television program – 1990
A roller-coaster ride of raised hopes, dashed dreams and happy endings: a charming modern fairytale from the More Winners series.
More Winners – The Big Wish television program – 1990
The faeries in the Enchanted Realm are in trouble. Today is the last day to grant seven wishes to humans or they will lose their magic power – forever!
More Winners – The Journey television program – 1990
On an isolated Tasmanian mountain, 12-year-old Ada lives with her wealthy father Justus. Housekeeper Martha is plotting to secure the family fortune for herself.
Mortified – Taylor’s DNA television program – 2006
The series creator says her inspiration came from realising that, from age 11 onwards, kids begin to find things their parents do very embarrassing.
The New Adventures of Ocean Girl – Hearing The Call television program – 1999
The highlights of episode three are the comic scenes with the hammy evil Elgar and the slapstick comedy between the villainous Space Wizard’s sidekicks Elgar and Moza.
Noah and Saskia – Tomorrow Never Knows television program – 2004
The final scene of this first episode dangles compelling narrative hooks and offers interesting and quirky characters and an abundance of humour.
Ocean Girl – Series 2, Episode 3 television program – 1995
Ocean Girl is a beautiful alien that can swim at extraordinary speed and telepathically communicate with a humpback whale called Charley.
Pugwall – Hollow Drums television program – 1989
The insightful scripts capture teenager angst in a comic and recognisable way; fashions might change but relationships between teenagers and parents don’t.
Raggs - Episode 32 television program – 2005
Raggs is a bright, bouncy series with lots of colour, music and movement to appeal to its target preschooler audience.
Round the Twist – Series One – Skeleton on the Dunny television program – 1989
This first episode gives a real taste for the eclectic range of themes and elements which combine to create the Round The Twist magic.
Round the Twist – Series One – Spaghetti Pig Out television program – 1989
This is a clever and funny episode, based on a simple ‘What if…’ premise. There is loads of silly slapstick, and a spectacular dose of yuck at the end.
Round the Twist – Series Two – Nails television program – 1992
This episode is quite different from many others in the Round the Twist series. While it still has lots of humour, it is a rather more serious, romantic and sad story.
Round the Twist – Series Two – Next Time Round television program – 1992
The second series introduced new actors in many key roles but the change of cast didn’t have any impact on the popularity of Round the Twist.
Seven Little Australians television program – 1973
This is a delightful and faithful adaptation of Ethel Turner’s iconic Australian story, Seven Little Australians, into a charming television series.
Short Cuts – Wheels on Fire television program – 2001
Set in a year 9 media studies class, Short Cuts is about teenagers making films and exploring how the camera can be used to communicate, but also to manipulate and lie.
The Silver Brumby – Friends of the High Country television program – 1996
This episode features a rich drama of ancient rivalries, a brewing leadership struggle between two strong males, budding star-crossed lovers and treacherous spies.
Skippy Adventures in Bushtown – Trouble in Bushtown television program – 1997
The creative look of this 2D animation is signature Yoram Gross with flat, bright, clean-lined characters laid over muted pencil-drawn backgrounds.
Sky Trackers – Is There Life On Earth? television program – 1994
Shane is not a textbook hero, and while Nikki’s attraction to him because of his scientific brain seems a little improbable, this situation certainly challenges the stereotype.
Snobs – Episode 8 television program – 2003
This is a typical example of a Snobs self-contained episode as Abby and Marian and the oh-so-clever dog, Snobs, get mixed up in yet another escapade.
Staines Down Drains – Once More Unto the Drains television program – 2005
In a typical Yoram Gross touch, environmental messages are constantly reinforced through the stories – here, the consequences of allowing toxic waste into the drains.
Tabaluga – The Last One of His Kind television program – 1997
With an eclectic mix of animals and accents from around the world, Tabaluga is a very international looking and sounding series.
Thunderstone – Episode Three television program – 1999
This episode showcases the fabulous production design and high production values that are the feature of this quality children’s series.
Touch the Sun – Captain Johnno television program – 1988
Captain Johnno is a significant Australian children’s film which won the 1988 International Emmy Award for Children and Young People’s Programming.
Touch the Sun – Devil’s Hill television program – c1988
With his gap-toothed smile and great integrity, Badge is the delightful hero of this adventure story based on the classic Australian children’s novel.
Touch the Sun – Peter & Pompey television program – 1988
This lovely film has a delightful ocker Aussie feel, and is a quirky, fantastic yarn filled with mystery, greed, loyalty, betrayal, ancient curses and Roman history.