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Revolution by Referendum: Political advertisement by Mr Costello (c.1932)

  1. This is a 1932 policy speech by AJ Costello of the Revolution by Referendum Association, a Brisbane group that was active through the Depression. Little is known about this organisation. However my research this month uncovered a little more about this Queensland radical, who was a chemist and proprietor of the Parisian Medical Agency. He was charged with supplying the abortion-inducing substance ergot in 1939. From the 1890s this esteemed organisation had been selling contraceptive devices (and sex toys, known then as ‘Ladies Charmers’). Mr Costello published two books: Unemployment, its cause and cure: and a primer of economic science, and Know thyself: an intimate discussion on man's physical, mental, and sexual functions with instruction in hygiene and health matters... ideal mating conditions, and the limitation of families.

  2. #1 from lmilner – 13 years, 4 months ago.
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