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The basis of all frocking (c1927)

In the closing minutes of this advertisement, mannequins and live models appear in Berlei’s figure-hugging foundation garments, the ‘basis for all frocking’. After an elaborate pyramid display of mannequins wearing the latest fashions, a single mannequin is shown wearing a ... [read more]

‘The doubt is already beginning’ (1989)

Anne Winton (Carol Drinkwater) confronts Iya Zetnick (Julia Blake) about her accusations. Following a heated exchange Anna is led away by husband Bobby (Steve Jacobs). [read more]

Launch at the GPO (1988)

Australia Post’s joint issue koala and Eagle Australia–USA stamp is launched in Sydney. [read more]

Work, home and paying the rent (1939)

A family prepares for the start of the day. While the woman (Florence McCracken) makes breakfast, her husband (Eddie Allison) shaves in the bathroom. He comes to the kitchen for breakfast and his wife seats their young son at the ... [read more]

Where does the problem start? (1992)

Keating answers this rhetorical question by outlining the abuses that have occurred since the time of colonisation to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia. He cites a failure of imagination on the part of settler colonial society ... [read more]

The bullying of Gary Doyle (1985)

Gary (Emil Minty) is asked to read out his exemplary essay to the class and the rest of boys groan theatrically. Later Gary is put down by the other boys when he plays badly at cricket. On his way home ... [read more]

Darwin Airport in the 1960s (1962)

Passengers cross the tarmac to board the new Boeing 707 jet aircraft. It stops in Singapore, Bangkok, Calcutta, Karachi, Cairo, Rome and London. [read more]

The one mile and hurdle races (1927)

The one mile race is run and won by Wooton. The hurdles are run by SJ Dillon. He is presented with a trophy in the shape of a tea pot. As part of the on-field entertainment, a man delicately balances ... [read more]

The architect’s own space (2000)

One of Australia’s leading contemporary designers, Sean Godsell, designed his own home. He and his wife speak about the outcome. Godsell is passionate and opinionated about his art, while his wife talks about coming to terms with having to change ... [read more]

Alcohol, violence and a pathway forward (2011)

Local policeman Texas (Greg Tait) kicks off the first men’s group meeting in his small town in the Kimberley. Meanwhile in the city, TJ (Dean Daley-Jones) is at a pub. He tries ringing his son, Bullet, in the Kimberley but ... [read more]

‘Know where the line is’ (2006)

Rugby league cheerleader and fan Hayley talks to camera about how she sees footballers as potentially unfaithful partners. Nightclub footage accompanies her story about a woman she knows who found herself in a difficult situation with two footballers. Hayley reflects ... [read more]

The players have a snow fight (1930)

In the retreating snow of Switzerland, the Australian team have snow fights. The camera pans across the vista capturing the players throwing snow balls and chasing each other through the snow. [read more]

The beginning of yourself (1989)

Australian artist Brett Whiteley is asked how to paint. He advises young artists to buy the materials and just do it. [read more]

The biggest crime case (2006)

In a dramatic re-creation of events of 1 January 1963, two boys find the body of Dr Bogle (Rhys Muldoon) beside Lane Cove River. Police and detectives arrive at the scene to discover Mrs Chandler’s (Octavia Baron Martin) half-naked body ... [read more]

Menzies in Cairo (1941)

This clip from a Menzies home movie features the Prime Minister inspecting Australian troops stationed in Cairo in 1941. We then see him inspecting Bardia, Tobruk and Benghazi from the air before arriving at an airbase to meet some of ... [read more]

The Berlei Figure Type Indicator (1930)

After taking Barb’s measurements, Ms Blake calls Ms Trent and asks her to check them against the Berlei Figure Type Indicator, which indicates she is a ‘slender average type’. A suitable foundation garment for evening wear is brought up to ... [read more]

The construction of Island Bend Dam (1969)

The process by which Island Bend Dam, on the eastern side of the Snowy-Murray Development, was built is shown step by step. [read more]

The scandal of intermarriage (1997)

An Indian woman talks about having chosen to marry a white Australian, and the effect of that on her family. Some people said she has no morals. Her mother felt degraded in front of her traditional Indian friends. [read more]

Welcome to the English cricket team (1932)

In this cinema newsreel Australian Cricket Captain, Bill Woodfull, welcomes the English cricket team to Australia for the Ashes at the start of the 1932–33 series. [read more]

‘A handsome trio of the road’ (c1930)

This clip shows the three family vehicles parked in the driveway out the front of the Archibald family home 'Noorong’ in Strathfield, Sydney. [read more]

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