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The worst insult in the universe (1995)

The man (Syd Brisbane) and the woman (Ulli Birvé) arrive in the desert outside Las Vegas, because he has always wanted to go there. She does not, so she waits overnight while he tries his luck. They jump through space-time ... [read more]

‘Try the lot, no matter what the risk’ (1981)

Alan (Adam Garnett) and his father (Tony Barry) discuss the problem Alan is having with the bully Macintyre, contemplating ways Alan can beat him. His mother (Julie Hamilton) is distressed at what is happening as Mr Marshall tries to explain ... [read more]

‘Family and friends’ (1973)

Buddy Rand (Fred Cullen), on the run from the police, goes to his sister’s (Marie Redshaw) place but she says he can’t stay. Running out of options, Buddy visits his girlfriend Betty Breen (Bunny Gibson) at the pub before looking ... [read more]

‘Loaded with dough’ (1919)

After two thieves attack and rob a wealthy farmer, John Harland (Snowy Baker) knocks one of them to the ground before chasing the other through city alleyways and streets, climbing a steep wall and jumping from a high bridge. Crash-tackling ... [read more]

Rehabilitation and re-education (c1948)

This clip begins with a montage of people on the streets of postwar Japan. The narrator explains that the American Allied occupation forces are transforming Japan from a ‘military dictatorship’ into a democracy. The next sequence is about re-education and ... [read more]

‘Twenty years of progress’ (1931)

A montage establishing CBD Sydney leads to the arrival of Paula Marsh (Isabel McDonagh billed as 'Marie Lorraine’) and ‘Lady Worth’ (Leal Douglas) at a jewellery store, where they beguile store manager Keith Manion (Frank Hawthorne) into ... [read more]

‘A very deep sleep’ (2009)

Joe (Clive Owen) carries his ailing wife Katy (Laura Fraser) into the bedroom. He runs to fetch her oxygen and comforts her at her bedside – all of which is quietly watched by their young son, Artie (Nicholas McAnulty). Soon ... [read more]

Hurley’s Australia (2004)

In the last decade of his life, the broke photographer Frank Hurley was forced to reinvent himself. He turned to pictorial and landscape photography, and created some of the most popular images of Australia after the Second World War. [read more]

‘Who are you?’ (1977)

Burton (Richard Chamberlain) wants answers from the mysterious Charlie (Nandjiwarra Amagula) so he goes to his house, but Charlie also wants answers. After he leaves, Burton has a premonition of a drowned city. [read more]

‘Don’t resist’ (2006)

Daniel (Tom Long) awakes in chains, with the sound of a music box and the lapping of water outside. He is terrified, but unable to move. Later that night, the three women show themselves and begin to caress his body. [read more]

Philip vows vengeance (1918)

Joan (Evelyn Black) has thrown herself in the river and drowned rather than bring disgrace on her family. Her mother (Ida Gresham) finds her suicide note too late, and faints. Philip (Boyd Irwin) finds her body in the river, still ... [read more]

Des is called to account (2003)

Des (Rodney Anderson) is in trouble for backing out of the drive-by shooting he’d been ordered to perform. He and Sophie (Sarah Vongmany), having been captured by the crime boss’s henchmen, are marched into a car park to meet him. ... [read more]

The youth conference (2007)

Fadi introduces the workshop session of the youth conference. The attendees and facilitators break into discussion groups and talk about a range of issues. [read more]

‘A dream is a shadow’ (1977)

Lawyer David Burton (Richard Chamberlain) asks Chris Lee (David Gulpilil) and tribal elder Charlie (Nandjiwarra Amagula) what caused the death of Billy. David’s wife (Olivia Hamnett) must leave before they will speak. Chris then says that Billy saw and touched ... [read more]

The early years (1964)

Damien Parer was the youngest child of a Spanish-born publican father and an Irish mother. He followed the faith of his parents and grew up a deeply religious Catholic. His faith never wavered throughout his life and his fascination for ... [read more]

Betrayal in the park (1991)

Andy (Russell Crowe) meets Celia (Geneviève Picot) at Martin’s house. She has not known of his existence in Martin’s life until just before this scene. She tells him that Martin is in the park, walking his dog. When he arrives ... [read more]

‘Have you no justice?’ (1928)

A year after Cherry Carson (Isabel McDonagh billed as 'Marie Lorraine’) and her father (Gaston Mervale) have hidden at a remote farm, Peter Lawton (Paul Longuet) tracks her down. Peter is aghast at Cherry’s living conditions, and Cherry is upset ... [read more]

‘I warned ye, wowser’ (1919)

Having intended to defend his church congregation from the gang of Jack Braggan (Wilfred Lucas), John Harland (Snowy Baker) refrains from violence when he sees Muriel Hammond (Brownie Vernon) in the congregation. Muriel accuses Harland of running away 'from others ... [read more]

Connecting the dots (1985)

A boys’ own moment of truth. A retired French secret service agent is willing to blow the whistle on the French Government and explain its connection to the Rainbow Warrior affair because there’s outrage in the French secret service that ... [read more]

The wrong place (2007)

The six Iraqis and six Cambodians have swum ashore from the Indonesian fishing boat. The captain Muluk (Sawung Jabo) tells them to climb a sand dune and wait for a bus, but he knows there is no bus. When the ... [read more]

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