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Paul Cox: Portrait of an artist

Paul Cox (1940–2016) was one of Australia’s most prolific directors and notable auteurs. He made feature films in his distinctive style for over 30 years.

In 2011, Lynden Barber profiled Cox, examining his life, influences and recurring thematic obsessions.

'Cox’s protagonists are never heroes. Rather, they are flawed individuals who frequently behave irrationally in a struggle to stay afloat in a hostile world.’

Read the Paul Cox portrait. It also includes a screenography and stills gallery.

Man of Flowers feature film – 1983

Cactus feature film – 1986

A Woman’s Tale feature film – 1991

Innocence feature film – 2000

Lonely Hearts feature film – 1981

My First Wife feature film – 1984

Diaries of Vaslav Nijinsky documentary – 2001


  1. R.I.P 19th July 2016 Long Live the KoKoda Trail. D21

  2. #1 from Diamond21 – 8 years, 6 months ago.
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