The following clips have teachers’ notes related to this topic:

Fiction of terra nullius
Peter Yu of the Yawuru and Bunuba, Kimberley Land Council, talks about Indigenous relationship to land and the High Court decision in Mabo v Queensland (No 2) (1992) 175 CLR 1. Paul …

A country’s shame
It is 1993. Dr John Hewson exclaims to the Parliament that the passing of the 'Mabo Bill’ will be a day of shame for Australia. Titles on the screen summarise the key points of the …

Law stick
John Howard responds to the High Court’s decision on the native title of the Wik and Thayorre peoples in Wik Peoples v Queensland (1996) 141 ALR 129. News footage shows a …

Power of the atom
In the mid 1950s above ground atomic tests are carried out in South Australia. The bomb is dropped by aircraft and the blast is seen. Various people recall the tests including RAAF driver Ric Johnston …

Benny Tjapaltarri and Mick Ngamurarri tell us the significance of the Dreaming, and how the Dreaming ancestors created the landscape.

The first inhabitants
Wandjuk Marika, the great artist and poet of the people of Arnhem Land in northern Australia, speaks to the historian Geoffrey Blainey of being one with the land and of his passion for land rights …

Scenic shots of Uluru as the voice-over speaks of the 'geological timescale of the continent and its growth and ageing’. Then, we see Uluru weather a storm. As rains cascade down over the rock, the …

Cleaning up the land
An elder speaks about the effects of tourism, and the responsibility of cleaning up the land.

Safe uranium mining
We see the location of the proposed mine, and a description of the proposed new road, followed by shots of demonstrators against the mine. Phillip Shirvington, CEO of Energy Resources of Australia, the mining company …

The other side of the river
Over opening shots of the township of Nauiyu in the Daly River, the narrator Marrfurra tells us about the history of Nauiyu, a township in the Daly River region. After the missionaries arrived in Nauiyu …

Someone else’s land
Joanne Garngulkpuy talks about why people come to Darwin. John Greatorex tells us the history of the missions in the area, and how the different clans that were centralised in the settlements ended up living …

‘Had a car’
Behind the wheel driving through the mining fields, Norman tells us that they used to get into his old Landrover to hunt kangaroo for meat, sometimes hitting the animal with the car. They would take …

‘I’m telling you the law’
Walking through the mining fields, Norman tells us how the old people used to work the fields, but the young people don’t work anymore, and drink too much grog. Norman says that white people …

Maps of the country
Aboriginal paintings feature maps of a specific area, mythology, personal history and storytelling.

Aboriginal artists Brandy Tjungurrayi and Charlie Wallabi paint their country.

An ancient land
Bill Peach takes us for a meander through the Flinders Ranges of South Australia. Along the way, we learn that the white squatters who settled the area in 1851 welcomed the artist Hans Heysen to …

Ngadjonji country
Bill Homenko, an elderly descendent of Russian immigrants talks to camera about his childhood recollections. Ngadjonji country, around Rosser River, is the thousand-year-old home of Kitty Clarke’s people. Historical stills are intermixed with re-enactments …

Sticking together
Warrigal (Tommy Lewis) is confronted with the reality of losing his 'brother’ Captain Starlight (Sam Neill) as the gang makes plans to escape to America. Meanwhile, the troopers are perfecting a killing machine to ambush …

‘For the whole of Australia’
Yvonne Margarula speaks about the impact of the negotiations on the Elders, and how many of them were worn down by having to continually defend their point of view.

Uranium blockade
Anti-uranium mining protestors block the road access to Jabiluka in the Northern Territory. The mining company issues trespass notices and the NT police clear the road, making several arrests.

What is culture?
Warren H Williams and John Williamson singing a song beneath the shadow of Uluru. Warren H Williams explains what culture means to him.

Social unrest
A group of young Indigenous men playing cricket. We are given a background on the Indigenous history of Fitzroy Crossing. Talking to camera, Jo Ross, who is known as Willigan, and Kevin Oscar tell us …