
an NFSA website


What’s happened to australianscreen?

Welcome to the redeveloped australianscreen website, ‘ASO 2.0’.

It looks different and has new features but all the titles and education resources are still here. If you need help navigating the new site or can’t find something please contact us at editorial [at] aso [dot] gov [dot] au. We also welcome your feedback about the site.

Some of the new curatorial content includes overviews, called Collections, such as Paul Byrnes’s piece on 'Water in Australian Cinema’. There are also curated portraits of significant people.

Other new features include a blog, called ‘News’ (yep, where you are now).

Sections such as the Green room and Games are still being developed – we need you to start using them to give us feedback. You could join the 'Editorial’ group in the Green room to start a discussion or start your own group. Or you could just leave a comment here on this post.

If you’ve been visiting the new site in Beta, or you find a page looking odd, click ‘reload’ or refresh your cache. If you come across any bugs or other issues please let us know by contacting technical [at] aso [dot] gov [dot] au.

We hope you like the new site.

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