All titles produced in 1932
16 titles

Archibald Family: Family Scenes and Outings in Sydney home movie – c1932
Much like a family album, this home movie collection records events over a period of time. From baby shots in the backyard, to outings at the beach.

A Day in a Biscuit Factory sponsored film – 1932
While not the film’s primary intention, it offers an interesting examination of the division of labour and factory-line production processes in a 1930s biscuit factory.

Farey: Opening of Sydney Harbour Bridge home movie – 1932
Lesley Francis Farey captured what it would have been like to be in the crowd at the opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Fire Guardians documentary – 1932
For this eccentric dramatised documentary on the history of firefighting, Frank Hurley dressed members of the NSW Fire Brigade in all manner of period costume.

Ghosts of Port Arthur documentary – c1932
A ‘novelty travel talk’ by Ken G Hall in 1930 has other resonances today: violent encounters after European settlement and the horror of the Port Arthur massacre.

His Royal Highness feature film – 1932
The performance of George Wallace, star and writer, is a road map of comic techniques from the passing vaudeville era.

Holidays in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Canton, Java home movie – c1932
These scenes of colonial-era South-East Asia are an early example of actuality footage which captures Australian perspectives of the region.

Jewel of the Pacific documentary – 1932
In this 1932 travelogue shot and narrated by Frank Hurley, rat tails bring a reward of sixpence each and Lord Howe Island locals join the hunt for the pests.

The Kinema News Reel newsreel – 1932
This newsreel offers a glimpse of the English cricket team that went on to play the famous 'Bodyline’ series against Australia later in the 1932-33 season.

On Our Selection feature film – 1932
This film was technically innovative and, when it opened in 1932, a box office sensation, rejuvenating the local film industry.

The Opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge newsreel – 1932
This newsreel footage with on-the-spot commentary contains unique coverage of the official opening ceremony of the Sydney Harbour Bridge on Saturday 19 March 1932.

Provincial Cities of Australia: Ballarat, Victoria documentary – c1932
Frank Thring was an enthusiastic supporter of talking pictures and a great believer in their potential to bolster the Australian film industry.

Revolution by Referendum: Political advertisement by Mr Costello advertisement – c1932
One of many activists or political aspirants who have proposed socialist visions for the country’s future over its recent history.

Tasmanian countryside, Hobart and Tasmanian Tiger historical – c1932
A Tasmanian Tiger, Hobart City and the Tasmanian countryside are all showcased in this black-and-white actuality footage from the early 1930s.

Tasmanian Tiger Footage historical – 1932
In 1932, zoologist and naturalist David Fleay filmed some of the last known moving images of a living (now extinct) Tasmanian tiger.

Welcome to the English Cricket Team newsreel – 1932
At the start of what would become the infamous Bodyline series, there is no hint of hostility as Australian cricket captain Bill Woodfull welcomes the English squad to Australia.