Clip description
Toby (André de Vanny) discovers that Elizabeth (Bridget Neval) has interfered with his DNA cloning experiment and is horrified to discover a ferocious and rapidly growing T-Rex has hatched from his egg. Will he and Russ (Ben Schmideg) survive the attack of the great T-Rex? What can Dina (Saskia Burmeister) do?
Curator’s notes
Elizabeth shows her evil nature and control of the situation in this clip. She has ingeniously tricked the well-meaning, excited Toby and put him in great danger – it’s great melodrama!
The high quality special effects typical of the series are quite spectacular in this scene. The T-Rex scene was constructed with the live action material, shot with the actors performing to a cut-out head of a dinosaur on the end of a stick. The realistic dinosaur, along with other special effects, was added later in post-production. Visual effects supervisor Barry Lanfranchi says that the dinosaur was based on a 30 cm model that was 3D scanned then reconstructed. A textured, sculptured model was created from hard plastic and scanned in sections. Then, using these scans, the skeleton of the dinosaur was built within a computer program which enabled the muscles to be constructed around the skeleton to make the skin and muscle movements look realistic. During post-production, the real actors and the computer-generated dinosaur, along with whatever else was needed, for example dust and debris, were all composited together.