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Mother and Son – The Clock (1991)

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What's Robbie plotting?

Original classification rating: PG. This clip chosen to be PG

Clip description

Brother Robbie (Henri Szeps) has arrived at the Beare family home with a most uncharacteristic offer. He wants to take his mother out to the art gallery. Of course this would have nothing to do with his desperate attempt to dump his mother on his wife and escape to the golf course.

Curator’s notes

This program was one of several award-winning episodes of Mother and Son (1984-1993). It fits squarely in the situation comedy genre often called a 'sitcom’ which began in radio but is most often found on television these days. The sitcom consists of recurring characters in a common environment, usually the home or the workplace. Each episode is self-contained and the regular characters remain relatively static while the events of each episode are usually resolved by the end of the program.