Mortified – Taylor’s DNA (2006)
This is the first episode of the series. Self conscious eleven-year-old Taylor Fry (Marny Kennedy) finds her crazy parents Don (Andrew Blackman) and Glenda (Rachel Blakely) so embarrassing that she becomes convinced that they can’t possibly be her real mother and father. With the parent talent night coming up, she knows they will humiliate her in front of all her classmates, and she needs to publicly distance herself from them NOW. With her friend Hector’s (Nicolas Dunn) help, she decides to do a DNA test – the results are a real surprise.
Curator’s notes
This opening episode introduces the up-front Taylor (Marny Kennedy), her rather crazy but loving family, her friends, the coastal town where she lives (filmed on Queensland’s Gold Coast), and gives plenty of signs of the fun to come. There are some hilarious over the top kid–parent embarrassment scenes to prove Taylor’s point in this story, establishing a rich ground for the ongoing series.
Mortified first went to air on the ABC at 4.00 pm on Friday 30 June 2006 with this episode, Taylor’s DNA. Mortified screened weekly in this timeslot.