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Mortified – Taylor’s DNA (2006)

clip 'The underpants king'

Original classification rating: G. This clip chosen to be G

Clip description

Taylor Fry (Marny Kennedy) is worried. She knows that her extremely embarrassing parents Don (Andrew Blackman) and Glenda (Rachel Blakely) will humiliate her in front of the whole school if they get to know about the parent talent quest.

Curator’s notes

Talking direct to camera, Taylor (Marny Kennedy) shows us exactly how embarrassing her less-than-perfect life is. She introduces Brittany (Maia Mitchell) who is ‘practically perfect’ and whose parents are also ‘perfect’. We glimpse the mischievous Leon (Luke Erceg), Taylor’s future ‘love’ interest, a contrast to Taylor’s geeky, quiet best friend Hector (Nicolas Dunn).

The mall scene with Glenda (Rachel Blakely) spruiking for the family shop, The Underpants King is hilarious. Taylor is mortified in front of all her classmates. It involves a loud speaker, a singing, dancing mother, underpants, a public reminder about her training bra fitting, and her father dressed absurdly as the underpants ‘king’.