Clip description
Poss (Erin Pratten) and Kim (Maria Nguyen) go into the lift, which is personified as Lotis, an artificial intelligence that talks to the children and can take them anywhere. When the girls talk about riding, Lotis opens the lift doors and takes them on a roller coaster ride, not understanding the difference between this and horse riding. When the children explain, Lotis then plays Western music with the sound of galloping horses and the girls panic!
Curator’s notes
Lotis was designed to reveal the wider world to children creating an environment where fantasy and reality are possible. She also explores the complexity and humour of language though word plays, jokes and riddles. She is a thesaurus but doesn’t always understand the nuances in language so can get things wrong like she does in this clever scene. The rollercoaster ride almost creates motion sickness for the viewer but kids love it.