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Kaboodle – Series 1 Episode 1 (1987)

clip Wheelie Wonder

Original classification rating: G. This clip chosen to be G

Clip description

Most dads expect their kids to be perfect and newborn Wheelie Wonder’s father is no exception. While his mother loves, accepts and ‘doesn’t seem to mind’ the fact that their baby has wheels instead of feet, his father is less understanding.

Curator’s notes

Told movingly from the child’s point of view, this story about difference, discrimination and acceptance is typical of the tone and depth of the Kaboodle series. Writer Hazel Edwards, best known for her very successful book There’s a Hippopotamus on our Roof Eating Cake (1981), demonstrates here her understanding and empathy with a young audience. The gentle visualisation of Disney animator Ross Gathercole and voice skills of the cast (Geoff Brooks, Tsami Nichols, Troy Limb and Mathew Limb) contribute to this unique take on issues relating to a child who is different from those around him.