Interview with Archbishop Mannix (1962)
Dr Daniel Mannix was the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne from 1913 until his death in 1963. He was a man of considerable influence in Australian public life, not only in the religious field but also in social and political affairs. This comprehensive interview was filmed when the Archbishop was 97 years old.
Curator’s notes
While viewers of this long-form interview may take a while to adapt to Archbishop Mannix’s slow pace, he nevertheless astonishes with his breadth of memory about events from over 40 years earlier. The well researched and incisive interviewer is Gerald Lyons, who became one of the early Four Corners (2008) reporters working out of Melbourne.
The interview ranges across events in which Mannix played a key role: his support of Irish independence; his stand against conscription during the First World War; his fight against communism, which included the foundation of Catholic laymen known as The Movement; and his support for the DLP, which split the labour movement and kept the ALP out of office in Australia for years.
This is a fascinating interview for those interested in 20th century Australian history.